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In the shadow of Napoleon : 30th September

The Revolutionary Drawing Room
St Mary Magdalene Thornham Magna
Sunday 30th September at 4pm

Even as revolutionary wars ebbed and flowed across Europe some of the great works of chamber music were being created: the Revolutionary Drawing Room makes a welcome return to Thornham with three of these masterpieces.

Haydn Quartet Op77
Schubert  Quartet No 9 in g minor D173
Beethoven Quartet Op 59 nº 3 in C major


Tickets £18
accompanied children free

Refreshments will be available during the interval

Ticket offers:
Book any three of our 2018 concerts for £44
Any four for £58
Season ticket for all five concerts  £72

To reserve contact us from here
or ring 01379 788130

cheques payable to Thornham Magna PCC